
If you’re looking for inspiration on how to spend Valentine’s Day this year, look no further than these 4 new cocktails which have been created by Ellustria. Each cocktail has been been inspired by Old Hollywood legends: Some Like it Hot, named after the Marilyn Monroe | You Were Never Lovelier, is in honour of the Fred Astaire and Rita Hayward duo | Love Me or Leave Me, created in memory of Doris Day | Love Me Tender, is a nod to Elvis Presley.
You Were Never Lovelier
100ml Goya Tequila | 10 fresh raspberries | 3 tbsp lemon juice | 1/2 tbsp rose water | 1 tbsp granulated sugar | 1/4 cup cold water | Small rose bud
Directions: Add the lemon juice and sugar to a cocktail glass and stir until the sugar dissolves. Add raspberries and rose water and gently muddle. Throw in ice, water and Goya Tequila. Stir and garnish with a petite rose bud or some darling rose petals.
Love me or Leave me
45ml Il Dottore Gin | Juice of 1 lime | 1 tbsp sugar syrup | 3 sliced strawberries | Sparkling water
Directions: Add the Il Dottore Gin to a cocktail glass filled with ice. Add lime juice, sparkling water and strawberry slices and stir.
Love me Tender
35 ml MOKO Rum 8 Years Old | 15 ml triple sec | 15 ml cranberry juice | Cherries
Directions: Shake the MOKO Rum, triple sec and cranberry juice with ice and strain to a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with cherries.
Some Like It Hot
50ml Snow Queen Organic Vodka | 125ml tomato juice | 20ml lemon juice | 3 dashes Worcestershire sauce | 3 dashes Tabasco | Celery salt | Black pepper | Chilli flakes (optional) | Red chilli pepper
Directions: Add the vodka and lemon juice to a cocktail glass filled with ice. Separately, mix the tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco, celery salt and black pepper (chilli flakes optional). Pour the savoury blend into your cocktail glass, stir well and garnish with a red chilli pepper.
If you would like SILKS to help you organise any aspect of your Valentine’s Day, please contact us.