Mindfulness through

We are always looking for new ways to practice mindfulness, especially in these uncertain times. Many individuals are taking this period of self-isolation to look at ways that they can make changes to their home. Small and simple changes to surroundings can help to improve mental health and create a calm and relaxing environment.
We asked Interior Designer, Sanne Kassies, for her top tips on creating a more serene space at home which can make life a little less stressful and can have a big impact on mindfulness!
Keep it simple
If you are looking to make some small and simple changes, then have a play around with your decorative items. If you have over-looked an oversized vase, then now is the time to pay it some attention. Think about styling vases with freshly cut flowers or branches from your garden. Then match it with a few smaller items like some candles and/or some eye-catching books.
A fast way to make an impact is by exchanging cushions or throws on your bed or sofa. Adding in new colours or textures can create a more interesting feel and generate a different energy in the room. Using certain colours in your décor can really help with mindfulness. Try choosing soft colours found in nature to help provide you with balance in your home.
Placing artwork

Consider swapping your artwork around or create a gallery wall of your most precious photo’s or prints. There are a lot of ways to make this work and the internet can be a great source of inspiration for layouts. If you have a large or oversized artwork, try placing it in or at the end of you hallway. This will add a lot of interest to a very often overlooked area of the house. Your eyes will be drawn to it and the space suddenly becomes much more inviting.

Creating an atmosphere
If you are looking to create more of a dramatic change, then start by looking at your larger pieces of furniture that you intend to keep. For the time being, forget about the decorative items as you can match them with your new layout afterwards. Sometimes furniture is placed along the walls of the room or space, but often a room will look much more interesting by doing the opposite. I love to place a console table or cabinet along the back to the sofa which is a great place for decoration and if needed some extra storage.
If you have an open bookshelf (or a tall cabinet that looks good from both sides), try and turn it 90 degrees so the short side is turned against the wall. This way you create a kind of room divider and the open shelving will still allow light to flow in. Interestingly, a space can feel bigger when you have to look past something and it again can be a great way to create interest and to accentuate a zone. You might have to play around with the decoration but that is all part of the fun as it will change the look even more. Tip: Adding some overhanging plants on some of the shelves will help to add warmth and a homely feel to the scheme.
Mindfulness outdoors
Don’t underestimate what a positive impact the outdoors can play in terms of mindfulness. A great way to spice up your garden lounge- or dining area is to add an outdoor rug. They are made of hard wearing material and are easy to clean. They can also remain outside in any weather condition and season. Add a few colour matching cushions, a throw and summer here we come. A great way to add some cosiness to this extended living space and a perfect spot to relax and practice mindfulness.

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